Vitis Issue 4 • Fall/Winter 2019
Vitis Issue 4 • Fall/Winter 2019
In this issue, our writers are looking into some of the big issues surrounding sustainability in wine country. Charlene Rooke delves into the organic movement sweeping across the province. Tim Pawsey asks why B.C. has no sustainable certification—yet. Cinda Chavich checks out climate research on Vancouver Island. And Barb Wild samples vegan wines and defines biodymanics.
Meanwhile, we’re heading into fall, season of bold flavours, cosy gatherings and good reads by a crackling fire. Join us as we go deep into one of B.C.’s most remarkable wine cellars, explore wine regions old and new, and savour what’s cooking at Home Block, the Okanagan’s most exciting new restaurant.
Pour yourself a glass of your favourite fall wine, and join us for the journey.